Mavrovo and Sv. Joakim Bigorski slideshow blog entries
It seems like yesterday when I mentioned the 'under constructioness' of some slideshow blog entries. But no, it's not. In fact, it's already two days ago and this is what I meant. People announce things coming up on their sites many times and it usually takes longer than to get it updated than everybody (including the author) anticipated for. Well, I guess I had in mind to release these blog entries yesterday. Maybe the Sepultura cancellation got us off track, but what am I talking about? It's not this nagging that you're here for. I'd like to add one more thought though: "One picture can tell a thousand words". This would meant that I'm leaving you today with a couple of thousand words to behold.
Mavrovo just after New Year's Eve (11,000 words)
Monastery Sv. Joakim Bigorski (5,000 words)

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